Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayer #10

Dear God,

I pray that his life would be infused with the spirit of forgiveness and grace-that his heart would not habitually hold onto offenses and hurts. I pray that he would know how to forgive and know how to accept forgiveness. Despite our best efforts, we all make mistakes and miss the mark, I pray that he would not focus on that, but instead be able to move on from situations; heart clean, armed only with newly gained wisdom and insight.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prayer #9

Dear God,

I pray that he's waiting. I hope that he's a man who knows how to set aside the immediate gratifications for the richer rewards. I hope that as lonely as he gets and as difficult as it is to not be in dead-end relationships that offer the immediacy of companionship and intimacy, that he would be able to do that. I hope that he doesn't make a practice of settling on "good enough" when it comes to relationships. I don't know if this is just my own desire or what You're telling me, but I pray that he would be effected by these prayers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prayer #8

If you're following along with me here, you've possibly noticed my one day delay. I'm not proud of it, but I was, for longer than I'm proud to admit, sucked into a vortex of unwanted feelings and thoughts I cannot completely relay here because that's not what this blog is for. Though it's not over, I'm slowly but surely seeing the light of love shining through the mire and it's comforting to know it's been there all along. Thanks for coming along.

Dear God,

I pray that he would know what he's good at. It's sometimes easier to see the talents and good in those around you than it is to see it in oneself. I ask Dad that today you would give him fresh eyes to see himself- that You would open his heart up to know all the wonderful gifts You've given him; even the ones that seem insignificant or trite. I pray that all those he comes into contact with today would experience a specific area of his gifting and would just affirm that quality in him. Dad use everyone around him to confirm that he is a blessing and a gift to all those that know him. I pray that he would be filled with a deep sense of satisfaction at the way You created him. Dad would you give him just the truest of hearts and minds that would be open to knowing himself as You know him.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Prayer #6- 4/18/10

This was a rough day. I needed his prayers, whoever he is, wherever he is.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Prayer #5- 4/17/10

Dear God,
I pray that he would experience Your favor today. I pray that You would use whatever means necessary to teach him that he is a favored son.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Prayer #4- 4/16/10

I wrote this out on the 16th, but didn’t have access to the internet, so am posting it on Saturday. Sorry folks!

Dear God,
I pray that in the quiet of the evening when he sits and examines his day, he would have patience for his shortcomings. Please calm his heart and mind and fill them with a quiet and stillness that just shows how close he is to You and how well he hears Your heart beat. I ask that there would be no nervousness or anxiety regarding where he is in his journey. God nothing is impossible for You. I pray that in his sleep You would make him and form him into a man who’s heart is set on Your timetable alone- that he would know when to move and when to be still; that he would not be fearful of the quickness or slowness with which life situations are unfolding. Bring him into a depth and intimacy which he has never experienced before. God, show him who he is. Show him Your pleasure. God, I pray that for those petitions and circumstances which he has brought to You and has been waiting on You for, for those things, I pray that somehow despite how long it’s been or despite what seems like no answer or an unfavorable one, that despite those things somehow supernaturally his faith would increase exponentially. I pray that he would know You so well, that he would know Your goodness and unfailing love so well that he would not grow impatient or bitter.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prayer #3

First of all, I just want to say that it's a good thing I already told some friends about this blog, because I already feel like I don't want to do this anymore. It's a good thing I know how I am :) Well here it goes...

Dear God,

I pray for this man to have understanding. I pray that his heart would be intimately acquainted with Your ways and who You are. I pray God that today something would shift and move in his heart and mind and there would be a fresh revelation of who You are and what You are doing in this season. Dad I pray that he wouldn't look to himself for answers- analyzing, questioning, and ultimately doubting himself. I ask that he would instead always look to You first- that in any given situation, his first response would be, "God would do you think?" Not in a way that can paralyze one from making choices, but in a way that would demonstrate the kind of relationship he has with You and where You are in his priorities.

Sometimes it's easy for people who are intelligent and analytical to let their minds be the compass from which they find daily direction. I hope and pray that his mind would be fully redeemed and that his intellect would never get in the way of knowing You better. Because You are an eternal God who is not to be completely grasped and held in our finite minds no matter how great.

I ask God that if he's experiencing difficulties in his singleness at this time, that You would bring understanding to his heart about this situation, and what if anything needs to be done. Dad, would You give him understanding about why he is where he is right now. Please unveil the truth about his circumstances-how his choices brought him here. I ask for Your grace and love to envelop the realizations that may be discouraging and gratitude and joy to envelop the victorious realizations.

Dad, bring peace to his heart and mind about those things which cannot be known or changed. Help him to focus on the things which can be known- despite the pain and hurt in this world we believe in a living God who's love, goodness, and power will prove true and overcome every injustice. Dad help him to know in his heart that you are good and your goodness will overcome and outshine every hurt and disappointment. I pray he would understand how to have an intimate relationship with You and those You've called him into relationship with.

Dad, there are things which we need to struggle to understand, things which we just simply need to accept to understand, and still things which the understanding comes in the knowing we don't understand. I pray he would understand the difference among those things and have the discernment to know which kind of thing he is facing in the moment.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prayer #1 and #2

Prayer #1 4/13/10
I actually didn't write this one out, but I prayed for obedience. I prayed that he would be obedient to the things which God was calling him to in this season, and especially this day; that he would know the fruit of obedience and that he wouldn't be rebellious about where God was taking him and what God was showing him.

Prayer #2 4/14/10
Dear God I pray for hope. I pray that he would have hope in his heart for all the things you have called him to; that his heart would be big and spacious enough for the dreams you've given him and that he would know You as the kind of God who cared about his dreams. I pray that he would experience and know you as the God who longs to see our hearts full of hope and expectation because you are a good God who knows we need fulfillment to live. I pray that if there are any areas of disappointment and hopelessness, You would deal with them. I pray that his heart would always be open to the thing that You are doing; that he would have the courage to see what you are showing him and the grace to accept himself as You accept him. Abba for more of your love and energy to abound in his being; that he would feel and know that You are the living God, the uncreated one. Holy Spirit please guide him in all the places he needs to go. Surround him with love and compassion for himself. I pray that no areas of hopelessness remain in his heart.


The purpose of this blog is to keep my mind and heart set on the person God has for me. I know that somewhere in a different time, in the future, I'm married to an amazing man and we are creating an incredible home and family. Unfortunately or fortunately I experience time in a linear fashion, so I've got to wait. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very active person who has a successful career and full social calendar. I'm just really wanting a "partner in crime" at this point in my life. So while I wait and continually get asked out by men who don't love Jesus, I decided my waiting doesn't have to be passive. I can pray and play a role in my future husband's life, today. Because who knows, maybe he's in a spot where he needs a lot of prayers. I don't know, but you never know.

The idea for this blog came through a process of self-discovery. Sometime last year, God gave me this idea of asking Him to give me a million prayers for my husband. I thought this was great because this way I could take some of that lonely, "what am I doing wrong," "where the hell is he?" "is it ever going to happen?" energy and channel it in a useful direction.

Yesterday, I was in the shower, where most great ideas are birthed when I wondered what had become of my petition for a million prayers to God concerning my future husband (hereto referred to as MFH). Nothing happened to it. I had prayed perhaps half a dozen times and I couldn't remember what about specifically. My petition was unsuccessful in getting me to pray for my husband more, and I decided that rather than think about the million, I would ask God for a prayer a day for MFH. I decided to blog it each day so that I'd be held accountable to ask God each day for a prayer. It will also be an interesting experiment when MFH becomes just MH and we look back at this blog and see what he was doing at those times when I was praying, and see how God was speaking to me about him, even though I didn't know MH then.

This is not about "the one" because I don't believe that there is only one person out there for me. My theory on "the one": It is merely a numbers game, and in that I am only one person and I intend on only getting married once, there is one man out there who will hopefully be the one that I marry.